10 Things That Have Surprised Me About Being Engaged

Welcome back to week 2 of Wedding Wednesdays! This week I’m talking the 10 things that have surprised me most about being engaged. I honestly didn’t think that a whole lot would change once we got engaged – except for the fact that I could ‘officially’ start planning our wedding (as opposed to in my head haha!) but a few things have caught me off guard. Here’s my list of the top ones 🙂

1. That cloud nine feeling? It lasts a really long time and I definitely haven’t come down from my high yet!

2. The celebrations last way longer than the day you get engaged. I don’t think I have ever toasted so much in my life! Everyone I see wants to toast so it’s been a pretty boozy last few weeks!

3. People expect detail. I consider myself to be a pretty organised person – especially when it comes to event planning but I’ve been totally taken aback by how many people have asked about the exact location, venue, date, theme etc… and this was within the first couple of days! I don’t know anyone that can plan a wedding that quickly! 🙂

4. I’ve wanted to focus less on the ‘fun’ things like dresses and florals and more on the serious aspects like getting a venue nailed down. I thought I would be so eager to focus on the decorative aspects but I really just want to get the major things decided on so we can relax a little.

5. That I would be surprised at how much wedding-anything costs. I knew wedding items were expensive and I also plan events in London – not exactly a cheap city so I felt I had a good grasp of venue costs etc. Turns out – adding ‘wedding’ to the name, automatically doubles the cost! It’s been an enlightening (and to be frank – scary!) past few weeks!

6. I am super keen to hear about other people’s relationships and engagements now, much to the bewilderment of people that I don’t really know that well haha! I’ve never been a super mushy person but apparently all I needed was to be engaged to turn into a total cliche!

7. People have opinions. Lots of them. Lots and lots and lots (and they won’t be afraid to voice them)!

8. There is nothing more thrilling to me than buying wedding magazines now (no, but really).

9. A close second is watching episodes of Say Yes To The Dress (at which point, I become one of those people with so. many. opinions.).

10. I’ve become acutely (and wonderfully) aware of how many amazing people I have around me and how much they care. It really is the best time.

Annnndddddddd now I’m feeling all mushy again.

Stay tuned for next week’s post on the best nail polish colours for showing off your ring! I’ve been all about pretty pastels and I’ve been religiously testing as many as I can to report back 🙂

Thank you so much for stopping by!

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  1. 4.27.17
    Jennifer said:

    Haha, being engage is definitely worth every positive feeling in the world! Congrats again. 🙂

    • 4.29.17
      amie1 said:

      Thank you so much Jennifer! 🙂 xx

  2. 4.27.17

    That is an excellent list, all very true! ow fun would it be to try dresses on at Kleinfeld’s? Once you get the big things out of the way it all comes together and you can really start envisioning it in your head! Congratulations again <3

    • 4.29.17
      amie1 said:

      Oh my goodness, amazing! I’m way too obsessed with that show! I owe you an email as well – so sorry for the delay!

  3. 4.28.17
    Yvette said:

    Oh god I’m totally with you!! We got engaged on Christmas Eve and I am totally new at that whole wedding thing. The thing is, I am dead set on getting married this summer, and although it is happening and I am totally excited, I just wish there wasn’t so much competition for venues, caterers, DJs, etc. The prices are absolutely ridiculous and most places are booked through 2019 where we live.

    • 4.29.17
      amie1 said:

      Oh my goodness, that must be so intense! I was so surprised by the competition too, it’s a whole new level! Good luck with your wedding planning – remember, where there’s a will, there’s a way! 🙂 xx

  4. 4.30.17
    Cathy said:

    First if all; Congratulations yet again sweetie! I’m so happy for you and Dan!
    And after that being said; Omg! I have the EXACT same list!! Read it out loud for my fiancé and he just started to laugh and said “That is just so crazy! Exactly like you!”
    My fiancé proposed to me in october 2015, but because we both had our heads and hearts set on a spesific venue, we are getting married there this year. August 19th
    Can’t wait to read all about your wedding planning!
    Enjoy every single minute of it, the cloud nine is still going strong here even after one and a half year

    Hugs and kisses from Oslo

  5. 5.2.17
    Jane said:

    Years ago I visited Kleinfeld’s while on a trip to NYC and just wanted to peek my head inside. Randy was leaving and I gasped! He took photos with us and then took us on a tour and it was awesome! I went as a tourist and I loved it!

  6. 5.9.17
    Viktor said:

    Huge congrats!